
6 Easy Rare Aroid Houseplants. Philodendron and Anthurium

A rare houseplant does not really mean hard to care for. Here is the list of 10 easy Aroid houseplants that are considered "rare".

Rare Plants For a Begginers The Good and Worse Philodendrons To Grow

Let's talk about rare plants that are good and worse for a beginner and it's only about Philodendrons since those plants have lots of different forms and shapes and are easy to care for.

Philodendron Sodiroi vs Philodendron Sodiroi aff The Similar yet Different

Let's talk about the Philodendron Sodiroi versus the Sodiroi aff.

Philodendron Mamei (including other forms) vs Plowmanii

Today we are going to be talking about the different hybrids of the Philodendron Mamei over here we have the Mamei and over here we have the Philodendron Mammady Silver. 

Philodendron Mamei vs Philodendron Silver Cloud

The Philodendron Silver Cloud and Philodendron Mamei are very similar plants but when you have the two you spot the difference between the two easily. So let's talk about how to distinguish the two.

Philodendron Glorious vs Philodendron Gloriosum The Main Difference

Let's talk about the beautiful Philodendrons Gloriosum and Gloriosum, the difference and similarities of the two. The Philodendron Glorious is a hybrid of the Philodendron Gloriosum and Melanochrysum.


Philodendron Gloriosum Dark vs. Regular vs. Round form

The plant Philodendron and all its species belong to the Araceae family, specifically, Philodendron Gloriosum is a terrestrial plant and is a creeping species with showy heart-shaped leaves, velvety texture, and bright white veins.


Philodendron McDowell vs Pastazanum How To Distinguish The Two

Philodendrons are native to South America. All Philodendrons have both underground and aerial roots which is convenient for air layering propagation. The Philodendrons Dean McDowell and Pastazanum are rare plants and not easy to find sometimes. The McDowell is a hybrid of Gloriosum Andre and Pastazanum.


Uncommon Philodendron Varieties: Melanochrysum, Splendid, Verrucosum, Gigas, Gloriosum, Mamei, McDowell

A Philodendron is one of the most common plants out there and it has lots of varieties. The plant exists in any kind of shape and size but most of them tend to grow huge and might take a whole lotta space of your home in time. Most of them require about the same care routine.

Top 10 Trailing Houseplants For Your Home: Hoya, Philodendron, Epipremnum, Senecio, Ceropegia

My todays' pick is trailing houseplants that can be hanged on a pot hanger because nothing creates a lush green sensation like a plant with long hanging vines that just need to be hung from the ceiling or anywhere else.

7 Best Tall & Skinny Indoor Plants for Small Homes

Today we are considering several shipments of large and tall-yet narrow-indoor plants that will not take up too much floor space but will give a feeling of height to the 8' ceilings. They also make the home of this feel cozy.

Large Indoor Plants That Are Low Light Tolerant

You love nature and trees such as figs, citrus fruits, and many others. But a house or apartment will not allow them to be placed there and grown, so you will be glad to know about is an easy and stylish way to combat this is by filling your home with large indoor plants. 


Fast Growing Houseplants To Take Care For

The experiences with fast-growing plants may vary of course a lot of it depends on the type of care you're giving your plant. Just keep that in mind.

Low-Light Hanging Plants For Begginers

If you are still hesitant to grow indoor plants because you think they will have low light? Then this article will be useful to you because here are shown plants while thriving in low-light conditions and are also easy to grow. 


14 Best Low-Light Tolerant Indoor Plants

There are many even large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative deciduous and flowering plants that will fit a dark hallway.


Philodendron Splendid Care & My Experience With It

So a philodendron Splendid or a hybrid of Verrucosum x Melanochrysum has lived at my place for about 7-8 months so far and it has been nothing but struggling for the first 6 months. I didn't grow at all. It didn't die but didn't do anything for me as well. My bad was that I neglected it, I didn't pay much attention, rarely watered it and that was about my care.


Easy plants for beginners in my collection

The things with the easy-to-care plants... they do require your attention anyway. I do not understand why mostly succulents are recommended for a beginner. Those things are definitely not easy to care for, you have to watch it keeping its shape, having good on-top-only lighting, not to overwater, and many other things to consider when you have one. I had like 50 succulents in my collection and in some time I realized those take a whole lot more space than regular plants. The pots are small but those are so many and you still have to find space for them. Anyways, where was I...


My Small Philodendron Collection

Recently I realized that stumble upon philodendrons here and there. I watch plants Youtubers and really curious of what they have. You seriously have no idea how many of these exist. Then boom