My Small Philodendron Collection



Jul 26, 2020   ‧   0 Comments

Recently I realized that stumble upon philodendrons here and there. I watch plants Youtubers and really curious of what they have. You seriously have no idea how many of these exist. Then boom

I have a collection of philodendrons. It is small but I don't think it will stay this way for long :) Philodendrons are easy to care for and what is best about them is watering schedule. Ideal for beginners. It's better to keep them on the drier side, those don't like to be watered often. Another pro of the plants is sunlight. Most of them survive under poor lighting conditions.

So I have six of them. Fairly to say that those are more as I have two mixes of different varieties so let's say I have 6 pots with philodendrons.

1. The first pot contains two types of philodendrons and one Epipremnum (pothos) gold.

I got a few cutting of different phils including two different philodendron lemon-lime and scandens brazil plants.

So it is the biggest mix of plants in my collection and I love it with all my heart. 

Those have about the same carrying tips so I don't mind them growing together. It looks unique like a bouquet of plants and I can't get enough of it. 

I water it every once in a while. Since it stays in the darkest room of my place, I water it about once a week during summer, mist them every evening and sometimes they take a shower. 

And I am so excited to see how long they become in time.

2. The second favorite Phil is the Micans. It is new and I haven't used to it yet. 

It has velvet leaves, doesn't need much sunlight, and asks for watering about once a week. It is a liana and grows long. Propagating is easy, just take a cutting and pot into the soil. The leaves are not big and it reminds me of the scanders somehow. To be honest, it was an impulsive buy but I don't regret it as the plant is simply gorgeous.

3. Another rare purchase is the philodendron melanochrysum x verrucosum (splendid). It looks similar to the Gloriosum, grows big, and has velvet foliage. 

philodendron melanochrysum x verrucosum (splendid) one of my favs

It is one of new plants in my collection so I am not really sure how well it feels in my place but so far it seems to be happy. 

The philodendron splendid next to caladiums
philodendron melanochrysum x verrucosum (splendid) the Philodendron Gloriosum brother

Doesn't require much light nor ask for water too often. The plant looks spectacular and I love it so much. Wish I had a magic pill that makes them grow fast.

philodendron melanochrysum x verrucosum (splendid)
philodendron melanochrysum x verrucosum (splendid)

4. The one I stumbled upon absolutely accidentally was the Philodendron Bipinnatum Caramel Marble Pink Variegated

The mother plant was simply gorgeous with the yellow and red variegation on it. Mine is green as you can see but I'm hoping it will give me variegated leaves soon. It stays next to the East-facing window and I can tell it's happy there. 

The leaves are big. I have never been into such shaped leaves until I saw that beauty. No regrets about getting this one. Don't tell the others but this is one of my most favorite plants.

5. My Philodendron Birkin is truly one of the most beautiful plants with amazing leaves out there. It has those white stripes all over the new leaves and doesn't grow big. Staying in a bright light corner but with no direct sunlight, the plant looks happy and pulling new leaves in no time.

6. Last but not least is the mix of the Philodendron Red Emerald & Radiatum (I am not sure tho, I think it is the Radiatum). 

The Red Emerald was given as a free plant in addition to others I got from a seller and the other one was bought because it was cheap (yeah yeah I am that kind of a lady). 

So I potted them together because why not. Both are kids and seem to be happy in my kitchen. Frankly saying I don't pay much attention to those two but they don't mind and this is the reason why my biggest love is for Philodendrons right now. They don't ask for much!

So this is it for now. My collection is small but beloved and I do think it will extend in the near future as my love to this plant only get bigger in time.

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