Philodendron McDowell vs Pastazanum How To Distinguish The Two



Sep 01, 2021   ‧   1 Comments

Philodendrons are native to South America. All Philodendrons have both underground and aerial roots which is convenient for air layering propagation. The Philodendrons Dean McDowell and Pastazanum are rare plants and not easy to find sometimes. The McDowell is a hybrid of Gloriosum Andre and Pastazanum.

The two Philodendrons look similar in terms of foliage shape and size and not that easy to spot the difference between the two.

Philodendron Pastazanum vs. McDowell
Philodendron Pastazanum (left) vs. McDowell (right)

Philodendron McDowell 

The leaves are dark green with creamy white veins. The McDowell is a creeping plant. The Gloriosum foliage has a velvety surface while the McDowell leaves are smooth and shiny. It is a fast-grower and gives a new leaf every 4-6 weeks. The plant grows for up to 3 feet in height. 

Philodendron Pastazanum

This plant cannot be called completely climbing or creeping, since both of these characteristics of Philodendrons are combined in it. Its rhizome grows horizontally above the soil and produces foliage. Having reached 1 meter in height, the rhizome becomes more visible and partially emerges from the soil. Unlike Philodendron McDowell, where plant growth is fast, the growth rate of Philodendron Pastazanum is average. 

The foliage is semi-glossy heart-shaped with visible white veins getting up to 2 feet long. Philodendron Pastazanum is a large plant with an average height of about 3 to 5 feet and a width of 4 to 6 feet.

Philodendron Dean McDowell vs. Pastazanum: the difference

  1. The Pastazanum leaves are waxed meaning they are shiny and glossy. The Dean McDowell is not as shiny and waxy, a little duller.
  2. The growth point of the Pastazanum is green when the McDowell is red.
  3. The red edging of the Gloriosum's leaves is the same for the Dean McDowell. The newer leaves have pink veins underside. The Pastazanum is greener at every point. It doesn't have any redness.
  4. Redness against the patio in the McDowell when the Pastazanum has no markings.
  5. As to the steam of both, there are markings that are also different for the two. The Pastazanum has small dotted lines and the markings are not prominent while the McDowell lines are longer.

So in short, the Pastazanum is shiny and waxy and is all green from any point of view. When the Dean McDowell is dull and has some red markings here and there and that's how do you know, it's a McDowell.

Comments: 1

Plantipus   #

May 19, 2022, 8:20 a.m.

beautiful plant, good article about Philodendron Mcdowell, i like it, thanks
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