The Philodendron Silver Cloud and Philodendron Mamei are very similar plants but when you have the two you spot the difference between the two easily. So let's talk about how to distinguish the two.
Philodendron Mamei vs. Silver Cloud main differences
- the leaves shape
- the color of new growth
- the relief ruffles
- color of the leaves
The Mamei has elongated leaves while the Silver Coud rounded heart-shaped.
The new growth of the Mamei is red when the Silver Cloud has it white.
The same goes for a petiole that is more reddish in Mamei and less red in the Silver Cloud.
The petiole of the Silver Cloud is more wavy, kind of reminds of the Monstera Deliciosa.
Both species are creepers.
The color of the leaves is different too. The Silver Cloud leaves are obviously more silvery.
Care tips:
So, the first place to start is soil, and it is best if it is a very well-drained soil with perlite in the dark and charcoal and a little charcoal for gardening. So it merges very well.
Now watering is not a difficult part of maintenance. Water them as soon as they are dry, letting them dry on top, and then water. So sometimes in the summer, maybe once every six days, or because it's a good drainage angle, soil drainage angle. And in winter, usually every two weeks or every 10 days. And the most correct thing is when they are in a bright indirect place in the house.
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