Philodendron Mamei (including other forms) vs Plowmanii



Nov 03, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Today we are going to be talking about the different hybrids of the Philodendron Mamei over here we have the Mamei and over here we have the Philodendron Mammady Silver. 

Philodendron Mamei vs. Silver Cloud

There is no real evidence there is a huge difference between the two, some of us think it is the same plant whatsoever. However, you might find out about the difference between the Mamei and Silver Cloud, and let yourself decide.

The splotches of the Silver looked like Clouds to some people and that's how got its name Silver Cloud. That's another side of the story tho. The Cloud has silver swatches and that's how you can see the difference between the two. Another thing is some plants are more round and others are narrow-shaped. But we don't really know the other differences between the two. 

Originally thought that the Silver Cloud was more round so as you can see this is very round and the lobes kind of go over each other. And there are some other Mameis that where its leaves are actually more like it's more narrow. But you know with the extensive research that done there doesn't seem to be any literature anywhere that distinguishes the difference between a Mamei and a Silver Cloud other than the fact that the Cloud came about because of these Silver swatches that look like clouds.

The Mameis are crawlers much like the Gloriosums so you can see the rhizome is sitting on top and it resides in just soil in this glass jar. 

The ruffles

The ruffles only go up halfway, it's actually smooth down here, and then it starts to get more ruffles up at the top. The petioles are flat too.

The foliage

The leaves are heart-shaped but also very round which makes them different compared to the Gloriosum and McDowell. The Mamei's foliage is glossy. Another difference is the growth rate, the Silver Cloud is a slow-grower.

Philodendron Mamei Silver

The Mamei Silver is a cross of a Mamei and Plowmanii. The Plowmanii is more silver and the leaves are more elongated. The Mamei Silver is more elongated too that's why it looks different than the Mamei. It also has silver streaks and the ruffles that go all way down the same as you can see in a Plowmanii. When the Mamei's ruffles only go halfway.

The Mamei Silver is a crawler as well as the Mamei. When propagating, you cut one way and let it be on the ground, wait until the aerial roots start to form real roots and cut it off completely. 

Philodendron Plowmanii vs. Mamei

There are a lot more silver strikings on the Plowmanii. Another difference is the ruffles.

Both plants are crawlers. 

The Mamei lobes tend to cross over. The Plowmanii leaves are more narrow so they don't cross over and are more perfect heart-shaped.

Another type of a Mamei is a Mamei Round form. But this form is sort of questioning if that even exists.

Another difference is the red base of the leaf. The Plowmanii is just green on the base. 

And the vinings on the Plowmanii are not as much like they're more sectioned off whereas finding that the bearings on the Mamei are like way more in comparison.

Care tips

These two guys actually reside in chunky aroid mix nothing too crazy nothing special there and little two guys, reside in ponds. Now was have noticed that the ones and ponds are giving more aerial roots which are great. So you will kind of hoping that this guy will latch itself to become more stable and in turn, it'll give you bigger leaves. 

Humidity and temperature

Now in terms of humidity and temperature all four of these plants actually all can be they reside at normal room temperature there is currently no humidifier. And to be completely honest with you they kind of reside right next to the vent. So it is getting blasted with cold air which means during the winter months they gonna get hit with hot air. This is not good for the plants so when it's much colder and the heat the heater is like bumping probably have to add a humidifier to keep the plant happy.

But in terms of humidity and temperature, it's just at room temperature and there are no special lights.

So these guys are can be getting indirect light all day however during the evening they get more direct light just. But otherwise nothing crazy.

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