Fast Growing Houseplants To Take Care For



Apr 26, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Fast Growing Indoor Plants

The experiences with fast-growing plants may vary of course a lot of it depends on the type of care you're giving your plant. Just keep that in mind.

Here is a list of beautiful fast-growing plants:

  1. Lemon Lime Maranta
  2. Cebu Blue Pothos
  3. Pilea Peperomioides
  4. Dischidia Ovata
  5. Burle Marx Fantasy Philodendron
  6. Hoya Polyneura
  7. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
  8. Heartleaf Philodendron
  9. Syngonium
  10. Peperomia Incana

Lemon Lime Maranta

This plant will definitely be the star of your apartment. Because this is the fast-growing plant, it has a mature height of 12 inches and a spread of 14 inches. The leaves can get 6 inches once the plant reaches maturity.

First things first, your prayer plant needs good light! The best solution would be to grow this plant in a medium to high light area, and some can even do well in low lights too. However, it is essential that your plant is moving. Prayer plants move throughout the day, it is their "mantra", which is how they got their name! When it gets more light, the leaves open towards it during the day and then close or fold up at night. With the Maranta there are so many smaller leaves so it really looks like a different plant at different times of the day.

Watering is very important when caring for plants. So typically they love a humid environment with consistently moist soil. But there may be a completely opposite situation when the plant will not mind watering once a week and will fully dry out between waterings. If I water more than that, some leaves can turn yellow. A good way to tell how often your prayer plant needs to be watered is by measuring the time between watering your plant and the day before the leaves start to curl. When the sides of the leaves start to fold into the center, it means your Calathea is thirsty, so you can use that to get a general sense of your plant's needs. 

Cebu Blue Pothos

Pothos is another plant that is well-known for its fast growth. It can grow up to 6 feet in less than a few weeks. When grown indoors, the height is not usually in the double digits. Cebu Blue is an evergreen, tropical vine that you could grow both indoors and outdoors. It’s a great plant to add to your indoor jungle since it doesn’t require major care and also looks pretty attractive. It’s a pretty versatile plant and adapts fairly well to different conditions.

Care requirements are minimal. You just need to subject it to the right amount of light and water. These lians like humidity but can cope well in regular home environments. And fertilizing only needs to be done during the growing season, around two times per month.

This plant loves the company of other indoor plants, especially philodendrons, so you can plant it together.

Pilea Peperomioides

The Pilea Peperomioides is noted for its unique pad-like foliage in an eye-catching bright shade of green.

Is a low maintenance species of plants that thrive in a bright spot near a window, but it is best to keep the plant out of direct sunlight as they can cause the leaves to burn. However, too little light can cause the leaves to fade and the plant's overall health to suffer.

Before giving your plant a drink, it is best to check the moisture level in the soil first to ensure it isn’t moist right beneath the surface. A soil probe is an excellent tool to have to check the moisture of the soil. And all of better is to allow the top 2”-3” of the soil to dry between waterings. Typically, deeply watering this plant once a week will suffice, but it will depend on the amount and quality of light it is receiving. When to drooped leaves can be an indication that the plant is in need of water.

Also need to rotate your plant periodically to ensure even growth on all sides and clean the leaves often. When cleaning and dusting the leaves to inspect the undersides that keep an eye out for pests. If you adhere to all the rules then you will have a long and happy relationship.

Dischidia Ovata

These adorable plants have small oval-shaped leaves that are a pretty shade of green with white stripes that somewhat resemble a watermelon and quite small, dainty flowers are a green-yellow with purple lines. 

The Ovata will do best grow that receives bright indirect light, like behind a sheer curtain that is over a southern exposure window. If you don’t have a window that will provide you with enough light, or you notice that the new leaves are spaced farther apart on a thinner stem, then some supplemental lighting via grow light might be a good choice. However, do not give the plant any high light as it can cause the leaves to develop a sunburn.

The Dischidia Ovata can withstand short periods of drought, it is not a good idea to let them stay dry for long periods of time. These like a bit more humidity so having a humidifier nearby or putting them on a pebble tray can be done. As for fertilizer, a very weak dose of a good type can be given starting in the spring and ending in late summer. And if the root system is in order, then the plant grows very quickly.

These beautiful plants are sure to grab your attention.

Burle Marx Fantasy Philodendron

The Burle Marx Fantasy is a striking plant from the Philodendron genus with green-grey veined leaves. His leaves are elongated and have a length of 4-8 inches. They are dark green with grayish-silver web patterns on the surface. It grows actually really quickly especially if you give it high humidity above 60%. As a house plant, this beauty can grow anywhere from 12 to 20 inches. With vertical support, this plant has an upright growth pattern, and without any support, it grows in a spreading manner.

Despite being a rare houseplant, this species is considered easy to grow. It requires a rich, fertile peat-based soil mix. Also, it thrives in low levels of bright, filtered sunlight. 

You can water it thrice a week. But make sure you check the top few inches of soil are dry before giving water to your plant. And need to recommend checking the soil regularly because this frequency varies depending on the temperature. Overwatering your plant can lead to root rot, fungus infection, and discoloration. It is a common issue among houseplant owners. 

Hoya Polyneura

A Hoya plant grows long and very grow fast if you take good care of it. So if you want it to grow fast, be sure to find it a nice bright spot. It can grow to be about eight inches in length. The leaves grow to be only two to four inches in length. These are very big plants but they can vine out if given enough room.

This houseplant and these plants wrap their roots around rocks or nearby trees for support.

A Hoya Polyneura will be glad about bright but indirect light. And you will be glad to hear that this plant needs less water than most. This way the plant will not be offended if you forget to water it. But moisture is still an important element. Make sure you’re using well-draining soil.

The Hoya Polyneura loves high humidity. That high humidity ensures that it’s lush and the flowers are going to bloom. High humidity doesn’t have to be difficult to create in your home. The easiest way to do this is by buying a humidifier. Another method that will save you from costs involves spritzing the leaves of the plant. When the water evaporates, it creates moisture in the air. That moisture goes right to your plant. And of the best way to create humidity in your home is the pebble tray method. You only need a tray, pebbles, and water.

The Hoya Polyneura plant is a great addition to any home. 

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a tropical plant that grows extremely well indoors. 

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plants are easy to care for. These plants look attractive in hanging baskets just like trailing philodendrons. Or, you could have the long stems climbing up a pole. 

Dappled, filtered sunlight is excellent for the Rhaphidophora. And it can grow in low-light conditions, but its foliage will suffer if kept in the shade too long. Also, dim growing conditions will cause slow growth with this fast-growing houseplant.

One of the most critical care requirements of the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is proper watering and humidity. You need to water it when the top 1of soil is dry. This means that the plant roots should always be moist, but not waterlogged. It is important. The perfect humidity for this plant is between 30 and 40%. Household humidity is usually can be too low for plants. But you can if you mist its leaves or use a humidifier.

Looking for the perfect plant to add to your collection this year? So, this a plant that is easy-going, fast-growing, and absolutely adorable. 

Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf philodendron is a popular house plant because it is extremely easy to grow. It's also known as the Sweetheart Plant. The leaves are typically 2-4 in long, and cover its long, slender stems that can grow to 4 ft or more. 

Without pinching, this plant will grow with long, single stems and become lanky. And you can pinch it back anytime to help it branch out, keeping the plant bushy and full. Few house plants are as eager to climb as a heartleaf philodendron. And you can allow the long stems to grow, that for put the plant in a hanging basket, or let it trail from a shelf or bookcase. This house plant needs to repot every 2-3 years, in spring or early summer. If you want to use a decorative container without drainage, use it as a cachepot - just slip your plain nursery pot into the cachepot. 

Don't worry because the care is very easy. Just the Philodendron needs light from moderate to bright. And if you see long spaces between leaves show that the plant is not getting enough light. Move the Heartleaf Philodendron plant to a brighter location, but not into the direct sun which can scorch its leaves. Also, this indoor plant likes humidity. And you need to try to maintain 40% relative humidity or higher. 

Following these simple rules, you will be surprised at how quickly grow your Philodendron.


They are low-light tolerant houseplants and will grow virtually anywhere in your home. Their leaves display a wide range of colors and patterning, so choose the one that best fits your personality and is low maintenance.

A Syngonium will grow steadily for much of the year providing it has good conditions. And can grow to 6ft in height and a spread of 2ft. It is a fast-growing plant and when left unpruned, the arrowhead plant can grow to be about six feet long and look lovely. Also, it can be kept pruned for a more bushy appearance.

The plant is undemanding when it comes to watering, but does prefer high humidity. And you don’t need to let it become completely dry. And to maintain the right humidity mist hanging baskets frequently. 

These foliage plants coordinate well with any decor and add interest in variegated shades of green and white, silver, cream, pink, or even purple.

Peperomia Incana

The Peperomia Incana is an amazing plant with heart-shaped leaves are covered in white fuzzy hairs. These white hairs protect them from sun damage. So it also needs direct sunlight for the fullest leaves. But it has one of the great things about the Peperomia Incana is that it can survive in both direct sunlight and shade.
But if you keep it in a shady area nor will it have that thriving appearance. But it will live.

Also, this plant needs moist sandy loam soil to thrive. This type of soil will ensure you won’t over-water or under-water the plant. And by moist, mean the soil needs to be thoroughly wet but not soaked. So as it can lead to root rot. If you catch it right away, you can trim the bad roots from the plant. So this is why it’s so important to check the soil before you water your indoor plants.

This plant doesn’t get as big as other indoor tropical plants. It grows to be between six inches and a foot in height. The width of this plant ranges from a foot to three feet.

The Peperomia Incana doesn’t have to be difficult or confusing to care for. With the right knowledge, you’ll have a beautiful indoor plant you can be proud of.

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