7 Absolutely Amazing Houseplants That Are Totally Worth The Hype



Jul 08, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Houseplants not only look good, but they can also boost your mood and add style to your homes. You can place them in your bedroom or living room.

The benefits of indoor plants aren’t new. And in 1973, NASA scientists found that introducing plants into the space station cleaned most of the volatile organic compounds that were found in the air.

Here of the best plants that are will look great in any room and also harder to kill:

  1. Philodendron Gloriosum 
  2. Scindapsus Treubii "Moonlight"
  3. Syngonium Podophyllum "Albo Variegatum"
  4. Calathea Musaica
  5. Hoya Obovata
  6. Ceropegia Linearis
  7. Monstera Peru

Philodendron Gloriosum 

Glorosium it's one of the most beautiful and striking of all philodendrons, which is characterized by its velvety green leaves that grow in a heart shape and are permeated by white veins. 

Unlike some other philodendrons, the Gloriosum can get incredibly large given that it is planted in a large enough pot. In the wild, the leaves can reach a staggering  36 inches, but this is not very likely in a home environment.

Watering and humidity

From the avoid root rot, from which there is little chance of recovery. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the rule that better under-watering as opposed to overwatering. So a watering schedule of 1-2 times a week should do the trick.

Humidity in the room is important for your plant as well as watering. And way to keep higher levels of humidity is to consider grouping several philodendron plants together and mist your Gloriosum regularly. 

Best light conditions

Much like other Philodendrons, need to avoid direct sunlight areas. Because scorched leaves are hard to recover from, and since Gloriosums are often sold with only one or two leaves, you don’t want to risk burning the leaves.

So the ideal place is somewhere that the jungle plant can receive bright, indirect sunlight. An East or West facing window is ideal. If the plant isn’t receiving enough light, then the leaves can start to appear dull. 

How to propagate

It’s fairly easy to propagate new Gloriosum plants. Simply cut the plant with a section that includes one, and preferably two, nodes. But need to be sure that the mother plant still has a number of remaining leaves and stems as you don’t want to weaken the original plant by cutting it back too much. 

Then place the cutting in water and wait for several weeks or maybe sometimes a couple of months, and roots will begin to form from the node. And you’ll have a brand new plant addition for your home.

It is important to know that the Gloriosum is a creeping plant that grows close to the ground in the wild and should be allowed to grow horizontally in your indoor space.

Scindapsus Moonlight

Scindapsus Treubii is a rare, green houseplant that is not easily found but is a major hit in the world of houseplants. It comes in two varieties: Scindapsus Moonlight and Scindapsus Dark form. Moonlight leaves are more milky-green with a hint of silver in the center of the leaf.

These plants are trailing and climbing in nature, so they appreciate external support to climb on to. And if kept under the right conditions, they can climb and grow as long as 6-8 feet.

Water and humidity requirements

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight plants are not drought-resistant. Because they are tropical plants that love water and humidity.

You can water the plants regularly, but let them dry out between each watering session. Just need you do just make sure you don’t over-water the soil and it does not get soggy or water-clogged.

Also, the plant will be pleased to receive additional moisturizing from time to time. So you can mist the plant with dilute water.


These plants like to live under bright lights but not direct sunlight, meaning that you can put them in a bright room with lots of filtered natural light.

This type of plant can survive in a shaded place, but it will slowly grow. So, you need to find a middle ground.

Fertilizer, grooming, and pruning

Scindapsus reacts well to fertilizers. So you can fertilize this plant during the growing seasons once a month. Also, these plants do not require a lot of frequent re-potting. You will only have to re-pot them when the plants outgrow their current pot, you can see this by the plant’s roots coming out of the drainage holes of the pot. 

When you will see like the plant is growing out of shape, you can always trim it by cutting off the excess growth. This is suggested to be done during the growing season of spring instead of the dormant months. 

Albo Variegatum

Syngonium Podophyllum Albo-Variegatum also known as arrowhead plant is a desirable aroid and boasts arrow-shaped leaves and beautiful chimeric variegation. Syngonium it's a fast-growing plant from the Araceae family. As the plant ages it will begin to the vine, therefore putting it in a hanging basket might be a good idea.


Here is a brief but accurate description of the lighting requirements.

This plant gives preference to medium light but can tolerate low light. Most important to avoid too much direct sun. So the dappled sunlight is ideal. 


Watering should only be carried out once weekly. And allow the potting mix to dry out before watering. The soil about 3,5cm down should be dry to touch. Generally, the plant will droop to show that it needs more water. Evidence of excessive watering will be yellowing of the leaves, then skip a week or two of watering.

And be careful because this plant it's toxic for humans and animals when ingested.

Calathea Musaica

Calathea Musaica combines stunningly intricate foliage and easier care requirements than many other Calatheas, and this making this a wonderful houseplant to grow. 

Light requirements

Calathea Musaica will do best if it is kept in bright, indirect light, but also it is a bit more tolerant of variable lighting than other Calatheas. A little direct sunlight in the morning or late evening is unlikely to do any harm to the leaves.

Keep an eye on the leaves, and at the first sign of brown patches or edges, have a think about whether the lighting is right.


Calathea Musaica will do its best in lightly moist conditions, so it’s important to keep a close eye on the water to get the best from this plant. So you need to check your plant every few days and only water once the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Once your plant needs water, soak the soil thoroughly, until water runs freely from the drainage holes. And then make sure to let the excess water drain from the pot for at least a few minutes to ensure the roots at the bottom of the pot are not left sitting in water.

Humidity is also an important component of care

To keep the plant in good condition, the humidity must be high. Otherwise, low humidity will cause the leaves to lose excess water, which leads to darkening of the tips and edges of the leaves and even curling of the leaves.

Therefore, the humidity should be at least 50%. One caveat: very high humidity levels can increase the risk of fungal and bacterial diseases if ventilation is inadequate.

Flowering, pruning and repotting

Calathea Musaica is a flower that does not bloom often indoors and the flowers are not particularly impressive. The flowers are white on short stems that last for several weeks and emerge directly from the rhizome.

When it comes to pruning, it is essential for the plant to develop and look neat; you just need to periodically remove dead or damaged leaves. The best way to do this is to cut them just above the soil level.

Because Calathea Musaica grows from a rhizome that grows slowly over time. But do not rush to replant, as they are a little sensitive to movement and bind well to the root.

Hoya Obovata

It is not for nothing that Hoya is a very popular houseplant. These attractive hanging plants are characterized by thick waxy leaves and long tendrils. They can be hanging and can also easily climb trellises and moss pillars.

Hoya is semi-succulent epiphytic plants. These characteristics make them drought tolerant and generally relatively easy to care for.

Which light is preferable

Hoya is a flower that requires constant bright light to grow. Because in their natural habitat, they grow among trees and receive bright spotted light.

If you intend to grow them outdoors, then you should keep the plants away from harsh direct light, as they can get sunburn. But in an apartment or house, place your hoya in the brightest place you have. And that ideal spot could be a sunny south-facing window.

Water and moisture

Do not forget that Hoya is obsessed with this semi-succulent and is very sensitive to waterlogging, so between watering it should be allowed to dry completely. How often you water your hoya Оbovata depends on many factors, such as the amount of light it receives, the type of pot, the potting soil in which it grows, and the time of year.

But since they are still epiphytic, the common hoya appreciates moisture and regular spraying. However, this is not a requirement and will thrive in normal indoor temperatures and humidity.

The importance of fertilization

Hoya is Оbovata - a fast-growing plant, which is why in spring and summer they require regular fertilization in order to maintain their growth, and also to stimulate the growth of foliage. When you see that your hoya is about to bloom, switch to a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content to stimulate a strong bloom.

Hoya should be fertilized about twice a month in spring and summer.

Ceropegia Linearis

This plant is also known as the String of Worms or Rose Vine. Its dainty little silvery-green hearts make this plant special to many.
r This unpretentious hanging plant is not difficult to care for and grows quickly, and it will certainly be an incredible decor item for your home.

It is also succulent, unusual, and hardy. It produces variegated, heart-shaped leaves on tough, wiry stems. The vines of this plant can reach 2 or 3 feet in length. In addition to its beautiful leaves, it also produces small tubers or bulbs. These bulbs can be planted as seeds to grow new plants quickly and easily.

What kind of light Woodii likes

An important aspect of caring for Ceropegia Woodii Care is the light it receives. This plant loves and thrives in bright indirect lighting conditions. From the lack of the sun, its leaves will fade. Be aware that the brighter the lighting, the more variety you will get. The less light, the less variety there will be.

Planting and watering for Ceropegia Woodii

The most important factor in caring for Ceropegia Woodii сare is of course the type of soil and watering used.

Soil drainage is a particularly important point to pay attention to. Use a succulent and cactus mixture or a houseplant mixture combined with perlite and coconut fiber in a pot with drainage holes.

Water the Rosary Vine plant only when the soil is dry and should never have water in the pot. Therefore, you need it as soon as your plant is dry. And it is advisable to drain the water remaining in the saucer and keep in mind that this plant goes into hibernation in winter, so it will need even less water during these months.

Pruning and propagating

Proper care is not only light and watering but also pruning.
r Pruning is not required unless the stems become leggy and the hearts lose their striking contrast. Pruning can also be done for propagation or to cover the original plant with more threads.

In addition to stem propagation, you can also propagate with tubers, because they actually give new roots. So if you have a stem with visible knots, you can put a part of the stem with a knot in water for several weeks to take root. Another way is to place the node in the topsoil with the mother plant and wait until it takes root.

Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru is a rare and fast-growing plant with thick and unusually tough leaves, which, when young, are mistaken for Monstera Pinnatipartita. But Monstera Peru has wider, rounder-looking leaves and differs from the leaves of Monstera Pinnatipartita.

Monsters are those plants that beginners can cope with.

How much light does this Monstera need

This houseplant grows quickly and well in bright but indirect light. And for this reason, the recommended place to place your monstera is next to the north-facing window.

Also would like to inform you that Monsteras can endure from 30 minutes to a couple of hours of the direct morning sun. This means that you do not need to be afraid of the sun hitting its leaves.

A unique plant-like Monstera Peru can survive in low light conditions, but growth slows down. And low illumination does not mean a complete lack of light.

Proper watering

The monster should be watered every time the top centimeter of soil dries out. And here there is an important point, the amount of water depends on the amount of light received, temperature, pot material, and soil composition.

If your Monstera grows in a plastic pot, you will need to water less because the substrate will stay moist for a longer time. Therefore, avoid over-watering as this can lead to death.

Fertilize Monstera Peru

Fertilizers should be applied during the growing season, but not in winter.

A slow-release granular fertilizer is best. And it is preferable to use one with organic nitrogen sources, as these are more easily utilized by the plant.

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