Plants that did not turned out well for me



Jul 30, 2020   ‧   0 Comments

You probably will not be surprised by some plants in this list. Everyone told me that Calatheas are not easy to care for and I didn't believe, I thought I could provide a good environment for it but let's be honest. Sometimes things are just this way :) So firstly it would be: 


Calathea Angela. To be honest, I already received a sad plant but I thought it would grow it out and be beautiful but this never happened. Every time when it gave me a new leave it had dropped an old one and I never had a nice plant. In the end, I hated it so much that I wanted it to be gone as soon as possible lol. No worries, it didn't die, I gave it to a family member and frankly saying won't be sad if it's dead. It didn't go well when I fertilized it, it got yellow leaves right away. Ir didn't feel good at any spot in my place. It just didn't love me and neither did I. Bye-bye my first calathea, I am certainly not going to miss you.

Calathea Zebrina. I got a big beautiful plant with amazing velvet leaves and was so happy with it until a spider mite happened. The foliage started going yellow one after another and I didn't understand what's going on. Then I checked the leaves carefully and yes, it's here, the reason of the dead yellow leaves. Don't get me wrong, I got rid of the mites pretty much in a week or so but the plant just became hard-to-care for in no time for me. After the Calathea Zebrina, I decided that for me it's a no no anymore. I also gave it to a family member with hope it will bring joy to that home more.

Alocasia Polly

I had two of them. The first one had one sad leave and didn't give me any new growth for a very long time. It actually never did so I gave it to the same family member (sorry about that) and that thing magically gave a second leave in about a week at the new place. So I had a second one with like 5 leaves that also remained still for about three months. It is not giving me new growths but I don't want it anymore. It is still beautiful and looks healthy but we don't have the vibe :)

Pothos neon (Epipremnum)

Well, you might be surprised by why this is here on the list. When I first saw a neon pothos I thought it is a gorgeous plant with amazing neon leaves. When I got mine it had some spots on the foliage and that was fine, I repotted it but it didn't seem to grow at all. It gave me a few leaves in a month and I think because of placing it under bright sunlight it got it leaves more greenish than lime and overall it didn't look gorgeous at all, to be honest.

Maybe one day I will find a bigger plant and want to get one again but so far I love a philodendron lemon-lime more which I talked about in my "philodendron collection" post. The Pothos wasn't any bad, it was a nice-looking plant with gorgeous bright foliage, it just didn't touch my soul.

Dieffenbachia (Dumb cane)

This is forever will be one of my first plants and the Dumb cane did grow good and had new leaves all over the pot. I didn't have to fertilize it nor watering on time and it did so good. I also had two of them. A really big one and a smaller one. But time flies, things change and later on I understood that this does not make me feel happy anymore so I sold both of them and hope that they are in better hands now. This is a really great plant for beginners. You don't have to wait long for them to give you new leaves and they grow fast, really fast.


I had two. The pink and the one with white spots on it. I don't remember the names of them and not really bother to think about it. Everyone says these are easy to grow but they weren't for me. All they did is turning the leaves yellow or brown and didn't give me new growths at all. I tried different places and nothing helped so one was sold and the other one moved to my mom's place and I don't know how it is currently. Sometimes you give up on something and that's okay. So after the second aglaonema, I understood that this is a no-no to me.

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