Some of my plants shown. A Calathea, Stromanthe, Peperomia, Alocasia, and Others



Mar 30, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Today is the day of showing my plants. Well, some of them. Let's have a look at my shelf.

My Alocasia Calidora or Elephant's Ear has been eaten by spider mites since I got her. I have already propagated it but I am not going to leave the kids for myself since I don't really like the mother plant anymore. I can't make it clean off the mites no matter what have I tried. Maybe I am too lazy to treat it constantly but I have planted it into drainage already and still, it has got the mites. I gave up on it. I am looking for someone to whom I can give the plant and someone who can treat it better than I do.

Then you can see a Heliconia which has quite a story behind it. It is one of the oldest plants I've got which is rare. Most of them have been gifted or sold to other people since I started. It happens to me, I get into plants then I don't like it anymore and that's okay. Giving your plants a home where they will be loved is better then them slowly dying at your place.

I have three Stromanthe plants, a multicolor, tricolor/triostar, and a magic star. In the video, you can see two of them. Those are easy-going plants to me. I haven't had issues with those aside from crispy leaves which I have accepted. I have once has a rescue Triostar which was a full plant and slowly died in about six months during winter at my home. Idk when did I go wrong, I just got tired of it and threw it away. But with the other plants, I haven't had issues at all.

Next to the Stromanthe, is a Calathea Rubiofarba or Lancifolia. I've had Calatheas before and I swore to never get another Calathea again. All of them were eaten by spider mites. No surprise tho. You can read about it here if you like. I thought I could do it with those plants but nah. Never again I said and got a Calathea White Fusion a few weeks ago haha. So back to the Lancifolia. This is my best Calathea I have had and I had many. It doesn't go all drama when you do not water it. It rarely has spider mites and overall it's a cute plant. The best I have had. And it looks amazingly good. No issues since I've had it. Love this plant.

Here you can also see a Peperomia Napoli Night and Peperomia Rosso which I got as a gift. I've never been successful with some peperomias and the Napoli Night is one of those. The Rosso was all good until I planted it into terracotta and continuously forget to water in time. So its leaves are yellow. I'd love to get rid of both tbh.

My Asparagus Fern constantly yellows its leaves. I forget to water it and it gets all yellow in no time. I have made a mistake when planted it into light soil. Back then I thought it gets yellow because of lack of lighting but now I know what was the problem. I have two of them and both were yellow. And when I did water both in time they got all green and healthy until I couldn't water the one in the video and it has yellowed its leaves again. Love and hate it.

There is also a string-of-heart that hasn't grown since last summer. I got a small cutting and it needed its time to root so now it is finally looking like a wining plant. It needs lots of sunlight, I spray the soil with water every other day, do not overwater it. No secrets about this plant.

Behind the Asparagus you can see a Variegated Peace Lily Domino or Gemini which has yellowed its leaves because I forgot to water it for a week or so. Do not forget to water your Peace Lily. Lesson learned.

And the last and it is not least since I really don't like it. A Ficus Elastica my mom got me back then when I started getting into plants and it didn't grow at all. I kinda hate this thing but it's a gift and I can't do anything about it. I repotted it into a bigger pot, give it lots of sunlight but it still a slow grower.

This is about it. My shelf of plants :)

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