Stromanthe Care Tips



May 06, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Let's talk about my Stromanthe plants and how do I care for them.

The Stromanthe Triostar is one of the first plants I got. After reading online that this is a hard-to-keep alive plant I wasn't sure I made the right decision bringing it home. Anyways, it was already there and there was no way to get back.

Shortly after I saw a large Stromanthe Magic Star, fell in love immediately and bought it too. In the plant store, it was average in size but when bringing it home I actually saw how huge the plant is and what's most important I didn't have an idea it would get any bigger in no time.

The Magic Start found its perfect spot right after bringing it home and stays there to this day. It's a few meters from the window in the brightest room of my house.

The Triostar has been wandering around my place the whole year until it was placed next to a west-facing window with not that much light but seems like the plant enjoys being there.

The Stromanthe Triostar

This beauty had a hard time with me. After repotting it, I forgot to water it for long three weeks and expectedly the plant got half of the leaves all brown and crispy. I was in pain. I watered it, chop the damaged leaves off, and waited. In a month or so it grew its leaves back and that's how I knew it is not like a Calathea at all. After having this much stress the plant didn't die, recovered pretty quickly, and was okay with changing location all summer and fall.

Today it is still one of my favorite plants even tho during winter the leaves got all green but I know it will get bright and pinkish when the sunlight hits my place.

The Stromanthe Magic Star

This beauty already was large when I got it. It's been becoming bigger and bigger until it fits next to my bed in full glory and none other plants can have room next to it. I didn't have issues with that. I repotted it in 6 months after getting and it still sits in the same soil pulling new leaves like crazy. I love this thing.

The Stromanthe Multicolor or Sanguinea

was given to me as a gift. It was small and didn't grow much at all since it's in my place. It stays next to my relatively big Triostar to this day.

The Stromanthe Horticolor

was another gift. I also got it small about a month ago and it didn't grow much since then. Its location is next to the Multicolor and Triostar.

Even tho all of them are beautiful I love the color of the Horticolor the most. It is the most greenish shade among all of them and to me it looks absolutely stunning.

What are my care tips for a Stromanthe?

What a Stromanthe does not like?

Keep in mind, it is only my personal experience with my plants, it can be different with you. I've heard other plant parents having issues with the plant so my situation might be different from yours.

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