Bird of Paradise or Strelizia Nicolai Care Tips



May 18, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

The Bird of Paradise is considered the queen of the indoor plant world. This large, upright plant can add a rich, tropical flair to your space as its glossy, banana-shaped leaves fan out. It is a big plant and relatively hardy and adapts to a wide spectrum of conditions.

The Strelitzia Nicolai in the wilds of southern Africa can reach up to 20' tall. In human spaces, they're more likely to stand anywhere from 3’- 8’ tall and rank among most houseplant fans' favorites due to the remarkable size.


The best for your plants is if you choose a location away from air vents and drafts where the plant will get at least four hours of southern, western, or eastern exposure. Though they can tolerate medium light conditions, the Bird of Paradise will not thrive long-term without adequate sunlight. Rotate your plant periodically to ensure even growth on all sides and don't be afraid to prune discolored or broken leaves.


Always be sure to assess your plant’s watering needs upon it. And don't forget before giving your plant a drink, it is best to check the moisture level in the soil first to ensure it isn’t moist right beneath the surface. 

These giant plants enjoy moist soil and being allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Try not to let the soil dry completely, but also avoid overwatering. Allow the top 2" - 3" of the soil to become dry, but below that should remain moist.  These plants do particularly well in self-watering containers.

Do not be alarmed by cracks in the leaves, they are natural, and allow light to access the lower portion of the plant. Also, apply extra humidity with a humidifier, pebble tray, or mister to keep the splitting to a minimum.

Humidity and temperature

This exotic house plant prefers high humidity. You might want to keep a spray bottle handy to mist it if your home is dry. And also to dust, use a mister and microfiber cloth to thoroughly wipe down each leaf and take the opportunity to inspect the undersides of the foliage to keep an eye out for pests. 

As for the air temperature, try to maintain it above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not a cold-tolerant plant, and it recovers slowly from frost damage. Because your Bird of Paradise prefers average indoor temperatures of 65-80 degrees.

What can harm the plant

Monitor the plant for aphids, scale, and mites. If you see them, use insecticidal soap for control, but be sure to apply it to the undersides of the leaves. Systemic pesticide is also effective. The plant takes up the systemic pesticide and distributes it throughout the plant from roots to leaves and flowers.

Bird of paradise is susceptible to gray mold. And flowers and leaves with this condition will develop dark spots followed by a layer of gray mold. So need to remove the affected parts of the plant and give your plant regular airing.

Fertilizer needs

Like all indoor plants, the Strelicia Nicolai needs fertilization. So feed it in the springtime with slow-release pellets or weekly during the growing season with liquid fertilizer.

Your Bird of Paradise is a hungry plant because of how quickly it grows. 


The trick to successful growth in your home is maintaining all suitable conditions. 

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