My top 5 favorite plants



Jul 19, 2020   ‧   0 Comments

We all love our plants the same. Every plant is my most beloved one. I love every plant equally the same.

But let's be honest, we all have our "favorites". I am going to talk about my most loved, most favorite plants.


The story behind this plant is actually quite special. I went to the plant shop, saw it, fell in love, and....didn't buy it... It's been two weeks and I got myself thinking about that plant all the time so I gave up and bought it.

Even though it was a relatively big plant, it was 40% off and looked sad. Since then I repotted it to the new pot, showered it a few times, occasionally watered and it looks so much happier now. It gives me new growths and always says what's wrong by curling leaves. So to me, it is pretty much visible.

It can tolerate lack of lightings but I try to give it as much bright indirect light as I can. I water it about once a week and we take a shower every other week or so.

The plant that doesn't ask for much but will be your most favorite in no time.

Calathea White Star

As I said before, I got this plant big. I brought it home and got impressed by how big the plant actually is!

It has big and long foliage, amazing purple backside and it is just a gorgeously-looking overall plant. Mine is tall, it is called a "prayer plant". The plant raises its foliage at night and rests during the daytime.

It doesn't require much sunlight which might be helpful for those who have only west-facing windows. I water mine about once a week and during summer spraying every day in the evening.

So far loving it! It is one of the first plants you see when coming to my place so it is truly a White Star of the room.

Stronmanthe Magic Star

This is the plant of those stories where you directly aiming to buy plants today. I just walked by the store and brought two amazing plants, the Stromanthe Magic Star and Calahea White Star.

When you see it in the store you think it is beautiful but when you bring it home you are OMG it's huge! My plant has really long leaves, you might not notice how long the foliage is until you actually pay attention to it. So this is my Magic Star, all big, all glossy and definitely noticeable.

Don't tell anyone but this is one of my best most favorite plants. It looks amazing, sometimes it gives amazing leaves like this:


It is half green, half beige. When you see it standing in its place, it does look like a star of the room.

I don't really pay much attention to this plant as well. I water it about once a week. It is still in the nursery pot, by the way. Sometimes it takes a shower. It stays about 2 meters away from the windows and gets enough light so it looks gorgeous.

The Stromanthe Magic Star is the true star of my heart.

Alocasia Zebrina

This plant is on the weird side, let me explain. I liked it before getting but not "that" much, you know what I mean? I got it and I didn't really pay much attention to it. You know how that happens, right? You get a plant, you kinda like it but not as much as you thought you would so you don't really care much about it. Same story.

But the thing is, the longer you have the Zebrina the more you get into it. Now it is one of my top 5. It doesn't ask much, give it some bright indirect light, water every week or so, and fertilize on a schedule.

It can grow tall with big foliage, those big plants look truly glamorous. Can't wait for mine to get this adult!

Anthurium Andre

This is my first most-loved plant. Technically three succulents were first but this is my first big "real" green plant. I got it pretty big but I had no idea it will get this big for a short amount of time.

I have never had pets on it, sometimes forget to water but it is only because I know it tolerates being dried out. It takes a shower about once a month because it is pretty heavy to move to the bathroom every weekend. And the best thing about the Andre is that you can move it anywhere and don't stress about it not getting enough light. It will just grow more foliages and probably won't bloom as much.

Keep in mind that you might need some space to keep it as the plant grows fast and get quite big :)

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