Differences between Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Esqueleto




Differences between Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Esqueleto

The Monstera Epipremnoides or Monstera Esqueleto leaves are bigger than the Adansonii. The mature plant is bigger in size but the baby looks almost identical.

Adansonii is different from Esqueleto in the:

  1. size
  2. texture
  3. perforation
  4. price

On the other hand, these two plants have little similarities in the root system, petiole, and steam structure.

In research it says that Adansonii leaves are greener than Esqueleto. Both of them have leaves that produce a waxy feel once you touch them.

The soil mix for the Monstera Esqueleto

50% coco chips, 20% compost, 20% perlite, 10% garden soil

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