The Collection of Monsteras: Variegated Albo, Thai Constellation and Deliciosa

Mar 22, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

For a long period of time, I didn't have a Monstera because of the fear of it having a huge size. People used to tell me it gets too big and heavy and the leaves get large, and the air roots are going to fit right into my room. Well, guess what, now I have 6 pots of Monsteras and those fears are all gone.

Firstly in my video, I talk about a Monstera Albo Variegata. I have three pots of it I bought at different periods of time.

The first Monstera is the smallest. It has four small leaves and to be honest it grows slowly. For the last 8 months, it gave me two leaves only. The latest leaf is all white which is not good for a Monstera, it needs to be green. The white leaf is dead. Beautiful to people but not good for the plant at all.

The second Monstera Albo Variegata I got because I loved the white variegation and leaves with the splits. Back then I was a newbie and didn't know such variegation does not last long and the leaves are not going to be white like that for long. After a few white and half white leaves, the winter leaf has grown almost completely green with some white spots. To be honest, I am not surprised, after so many white leaves the plant just wants to survive, who can blame it.

The third Albo was really cheap. I got it for $10 which was a steal. I was about to sell it but now I see the prices going up + add to this my love for the plant so no, not going to sell it anytime soon. And this is the only Monstera that grows fast. Even faster than my regular Delisiosa.

The Monstera Thai Constellation is the newest plant. I talked about it in my previous video and here too. This has been my number one wishlist plant and I am so happy I could afford one since the prices got all crazy here.

The two last Monsteras are my regular Monstera Delisiosa. I also talked about getting one before, it was a huge grown plant with large leaves and I fell in love with it too fast. I chop the plants into four parts, pot three of it into one pot and the last cutting into a second pot where it sits with my small Monstera and I think they look beautiful together.

So this is it for my Monstera collection for now. Hope to update this when I have new exciting growths.

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