Variegated Monstera: Albo vs. Thai Constellation



Jul 01, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Monstera is the group of plants that attracts and fascinates us all. And if most of you have Monstera Deliciosa or Adansonia at home, since they are popular species, then after learning a little about today's two variegations you will definitely want to purchase them for your home.

The differences:

Monstera Albo Borsigiana Monstera Thai Constellation
difficult to propagate this species is the slowest growing
has a pure white variety of leaves hasn't pure white variety of leaves
not stable variegation variegation is stable
leaves grow 10-35 in long and 30 wide leaves grow 12 inches long

Monstera Albo Variegata

Monstera Albo Variegata is both a rare and expensive houseplant. Caring for such an exotic green and white plant is not easy. This Monstera species grows slowly and needs more light to grow.

Albo Variegata is one of the most expensive plants because the pure white variety of leaves is extremely rare in nature and also because it is difficult to propagate. But such extraordinary coloring can interest anyone. 

Albo has large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves. White and green variegated leaves can grow 10 to 35 inches long and up to 30 inches wide. 

My Monstera Albo Variegata turns the leaves green, why?

The most spectacular variegated Monstera have leaves, half of which are completely snow-white. 

Like the rest of the Monstera, Albo is no exception, and this is a climbing plant or liana. Growing in pots indoors, this grape plant with leathery leaves grows 2 to 3 m in height. The plant also has aerial roots. These long-stalked growths absorb moisture and nutrients from the environment.

It blooms very rarely, but in natural conditions, the flower grows from 4 to 6 inches in height.

Monstera Thai Constellation

Did you know that Monstera Thai Constellation is considered the best hipster herb? Because it is a beautifully designed Monstera Deliciosa. As the plant develops, its leaves acquire a different structure.

Thai Constellation is a climbing shrub and the distinctive leaves are creamy green in color with large holes that can be up to 3 inches wide. Sometimes the leaves grow up to 12 inches in size. The variegation of this Monstera Thai Constellation is stable, and this distinguishes it from the variegated Monstera Albo Variegata. Variegation is a rare mutation that increases the value of a plant.

Monstera Thai Constellation can grow 1 to 2 feet every year. Of all the Monsteras, this species is the slowest growing and it can take one to two years for an adult plant to fully develop. But this plant with a unique pattern is usually easy to care for. If the room conditions are ideal, then it grows up to 6 m in height, which makes it a very effective plant for any room.

Some of the Thai Constellations produce new leaves every month. But as with all houseplants, their growth rate depends on how you care for your plant.

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