Care Tips Monstera Adansonii



Apr 03, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

How To Care For Monstera Adansonii

Hello gardeners. So, today we have a Monstera for consideration, but this is not the usual apartment giant, but Monstera Adansonii or its other name is the swiss cheese plant. 

Monstera Adansonii is resistant to diseases and pests and can live for a long time with proper care. Its leaves are ovoid, oblong with graceful oval cuts. In an apartment, such a plant almost never blooms, and in natural conditions, the height can reach 8 m.

Watering and Humidity

Taking care of Monstera Adansonii is quite easy, except when it comes to their water requirements. Strive to regularly water your plant, making sure that the soil is moist, but not drowning. Because a thorough watering will also flush away the salt that is building up. And make sure to provide apt drainage through holes on the bottom of your pot. Water once a week will be sufficient.

The humidity requirement of your Monstera Adansonii will be somewhat higher than other commonly used houseplants. So keep the room in high humidity for the happiest plant. You can always mist the leaves to ensure that these needs are met.

Can still help increase humidity using a pot below the plant with pebbles or stones filled with water. This is not necessary but can increase its health and growth.

What kind of light should be

Considering the natural habitat of a Monstera Adansonii, it grows in the sparsely lit jungles of South and Central America. Keeping this in mind, this plant prefers to be near sunlight, but not directly in it.

To give your plant the right light, place it a few feet away from a well-lit window.

The ideal soil

The ideal pH for your Swiss Cheese Vine plant is around 5.5 to 7.0 pH.

All the best grow the Monstera Adansonii in an Aroid mix consisting of orchid bark, perlite, peat moss, and charcoal. As Monstera Adansonii is an epiphyte, it needs extremely well-draining soil or it might develop root rot.

So one of the most important aspects is drainage. This type of plant thrives in a pot that has large draining holes located on the bottom.

How to propagation this kind of Monstera

Producing new individuals from your existing Swiss Cheese Vine plant is quite simple. The most simple is through snipping or cutting a part of the stem off.

Propagation in Monstera Adansonii occurs either through water propagation or you can also propagate the Monstera Adansonii by using Spaghnum Moss or by putting the cutting directly into the soil. What you will need is a piece of the stem as well as at least one node.

Nodes are these brown or whiteish knobby sections just below where leaves emerge and branch off the stem.

Propagation is not difficult and you may want to try the different methods described and use that works best for you.

Choosing propagation by cuttings, then after the small roots appeared these plants typically take about 2 to 3 weeks to grow before they can be placed in a pot of their own.

Meanwhile, young plants often have no holes in the leaves. The leaves will emerge as the Adansonii plant matures. When new leaves emerge, they will be fresh and bright green and will darken to dark green when maturing.

The Swiss Cheese Plant is a vining plant meaning that it is either climbing or trailing and if you want your Monstera Adasonii to climb you can put it into a hanging basket.

When this plant is climbing it will produce bigger and bigger leaves. So provide it with a moss pole that you stick into the grow pot and it will start to climb and attach its air roots to the pole.

Monstera Adansona will enliven and diversify any office and home interior. Once in the house, it will quickly become the favorite of all household members.

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