
Plants I didn't think I'd love this much

I am not going to include anything from my most favorite plants in this list as it might be a bit obvious. Also, big plants are not going to be here because mostly we love big plants and they are very special to us. So this is a list of my favorites that I wasn't this into when I bought them and I got really excited about once they got home. Also, some obvious plants like a Monstera Alba are not going to be here as we all love the Alba, it is simply gorgeous.

Plants that did not turned out well for me

You probably will not be surprised by some plants in this list. Everyone told me that Calatheas are not easy to care for and I didn't believe, I thought I could provide a good environment for it but let's be honest. Sometimes things are just this way :) So firstly it would be: 


A family of Astroloba Spiralis Got New Homes

Repotting an Astroloba Spiralis


Spider Plant Chlorophytum Amaniense Green Orange The New Love

I have seen this spider plant a few times but never got my hands on one until recently. I got it to repot as it needed to repot and now I am not sure I will give it back :)


My Small Philodendron Collection

Recently I realized that stumble upon philodendrons here and there. I watch plants Youtubers and really curious of what they have. You seriously have no idea how many of these exist. Then boom


Repotting A Cute Asparagus Fern

I got my eyes on this beauty a few weeks ago but didn't really notice it until now. I saw it as something strange and not really worth attention until very very recently.


My Syngonium Neon The Beauty Of Pink

Normally plants with unusual leaves require lots of attention but not the Synsognium Neon Pink aka Neon Robusta. Same as the variegated Syngonium Albo aka Variegated Arrowhead Vine aka Syngonium podophyllum albo-variegatum “Marble”, all it needs is more lighting if you want it to have brighter foliage.


My First Time Repoting Succulents

This wasn't my first time potting succulents. Technically it was the first time repotting them.

My top 5 favorite plants

We all love our plants the same. Every plant is my most beloved one. I love every plant equally the same.


5 Easy To Care Plants For Begginers

You have decided to buy a plant but have never had any? Don't stress, I am here to help you choose the easiest low-maintaining plants that are hard to kill. Before getting a plant, make sure you have read how to care for it and what kinds of environment it needs to grow.