Houseplants For 2021 That Are Going To Be Trendy

8 great and undemanding indoor plants:

7 Absolutely Amazing Houseplants That Are Totally Worth The Hype

Houseplants not only look good, but they can also boost your mood and add style to your homes. You can place them in your bedroom or living room.

6 Low-Light Tolerant Plants To Live In A Darker Corner

Low-light conditions are always a challenge for the indoor gardener. And even plants that do well in outdoor shade tend to need more light when grown indoors, and this can be hard. But there are some houseplant species that good grow on little light. 

Ceropegia Care Tips: Woodii Variegata, Silver Glory, Durban

Ceropegia is commonly known as string-of-hearts but it is only one of the varieties. According to Wikipedia, there are 68 species but we will talk about the most common ones that you can see and get. A Ceropegia is a wining plant, easy to care for, and is easy to propagate. The plant blooms in household conditions.


Stromanthe Varieties Multicolor, Horticolor, Magic color, Triostar

Today I will focus on Stromanthe, a family of arrowroots. The homeland of these plants is the tropics of America. And in nature, they can be counted as about 15 species.

Bird Of Paradise Strelitzia Reginae vs. Nicolai

There are five species of Strelitzia, and only two of them are grown as indoor plants: Strelitzia reginae or the orange bird of paradise and Strelitzia Nicolai in other words, the white bird of paradise.

Variegated Monstera: Albo vs. Thai Constellation

Monstera is the group of plants that attracts and fascinates us all. And if most of you have Monstera Deliciosa or Adansonia at home, since they are popular species, then after learning a little about today's two variegations you will definitely want to purchase them for your home.


Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema Verities and Care Tips

The Aglaonema plant is from the aroid family and has 23 species. The natural environment for these plants is the rainforests of tropical New Guinea, the Malay Archipelago, as well as in Southeast Asia.

Top 10 Trailing Houseplants For Your Home: Hoya, Philodendron, Epipremnum, Senecio, Ceropegia

My todays' pick is trailing houseplants that can be hanged on a pot hanger because nothing creates a lush green sensation like a plant with long hanging vines that just need to be hung from the ceiling or anywhere else.

Easy To Care Houseplants For 2021

Surely you are already familiar with many plants and have a huge collection, or maybe not. Let's take a look at 8 great houseplants that are going to hype in 2021.