6 Low-Light Tolerant Plants To Live In A Darker Corner



Jul 08, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Low-light conditions are always a challenge for the indoor gardener. And even plants that do well in outdoor shade tend to need more light when grown indoors, and this can be hard. But there are some houseplant species that good grow on little light. 

  1. Thanksgiving cactus
  2. Dracaena Lemon Lime
  3. Begonia Linda Dawn
  4. Starfish Sanseveria
  5. Maranta Lemon Lime
  6. Aspidistra Elatior "Milky Way"

Thanksgiving cactus

Thanksgiving cactus is not the only holiday cactus plant. There are several others. Each one blooms during the season for which it is named – Easter cactus, Christmas Cactus, and Thanksgiving cactus.

This species is not like those cacti we are used to, and that's because a Thanksgiving cactus is not a real cactus. This is an epiphyte.

Epiphytes are plants that live on other plants. This type of plant derives their moisture and nutrients from the air and rain, and grow on other plants for physical support. In its natural habitat, Thanksgiving cactus takes root on trees and uses the decaying matter from them as a form of nutrients.

And if to talk about lighting then this cactus grows best in light shade during the summer months. And will also feel good in a darkened corner. But during the winter months when the plant is in bloom you can give it a little more sunshine.

But also need to know that too much sun in the summer months can make the leaves pale and yellow looking or can cause the leaves to turn reddish.

Now you know that this epiphyte is resistant to shade, but there is another essential care item - watering. Don’t let these plants dry out, but be sure that they don’t collect excess water in the root area, either. A handy way to water a Thanksgiving cactus is the “soak and drain” method.

Dracaena Lemon  Lime 

The Dracaena Lemon Lime stands out among its genus for its namesake neon yellow and green striped leaves, and its care is relatively straightforward. Capable of reaching heights of 5-7 feet indoors, but you also keep it low with regular pruning.

Place your Dracaena need where it will receive a medium to bright indirect light. But when the plant gets too much sun exposure, the leaves will be fade or yellow.

Which a lack of light, this tree will live, because it can then the leaves will grow more slowly. So the Dracaena is adaptable to low light conditions, it still prefers bright indirect light.

Begonia Linda Dawn

Begonias are tender perennials, they are grown because of their colorful flowers and foliage. Most begonias can be grown outdoors in pots, in the ground, or in hanging baskets in filtered light and moist, but well-drained soil. Pinching tips and pruning outer stems in the growing season gives a bushier plant.

Begonia has large, “angel wing” shaped, dark green leaves, often with metallic silver specks. The underside of the plant leaf is usually a deep red. 

This cultivar of Begonias like bright indirect light but no direct sun. Proper light helps the leaves and flowers develop a more intense color. Insufficient light doesn't kill your plant just it causes the plant to become leggy. 

If you decide to plant your plant in your flower bed, then the ideal place for planting is under a medium to large tree that lets some light through their branches that will provide some protection.

Also, you need to know that they are considered poisonous and should be kept away from pets and children.

Starfish Sansevieria

The Starfish Sansevieria gets its name from its eye-catching fan-shaped light green foliage. 

It grows slowly, as the plant shape of this indoor plant has thick, striped leaves extending in a fan from its base. It is a fairly rare plant but can be found in flower shops. 

The Sansevieria starfish is fatter and shorter than other sansevieria cylindrical varieties. It grows up to eight inches tall.

It is succulent and it is a great addition to your home as will tolerate a wide range of conditions from full, hot sun to low light. It is always good to have a choice, and in the case of this plant, you have it, since you can place it anywhere, even in the corner of the room, even in the center, or near the window. 

Maranta Lemon Lime

The Lemon Lime variety of Maranta should not be overlooked as a beginner-friendly plant. It will just grow and grows and flowers and aside from decent quality water, it doesn’t want for much.

Prayer plants boast beautiful, broad leaves with variegated shades of green, and here’s what’s really special about them: At dusk, the leaves fold together, as if in prayer. They open again with the morning light, sometimes with a faint rustle. 

Generally, these plants are best kept out of high light situations. Too much light will have Prayer-plants curling their leaves up to protect them. If you notice your plant curling up, first look for pests and then move it back a bit from the light source. Of the best, its use will be dappled light is best or grown this Maranta in shadow.

They are showy additions to your plant collection.

Aspidistra Elatior "Milky Way"

Aspidistra Elatior is an easy, low maintenance, and drought-tolerant plant that is recommended for beginners and travelers, as it can survive without water for a time. Important, isn't it?

In nature the Aspidistra grows in the dark undergrowth of the forest from Asia, that's why this plant grows so well in low light conditions and it's for being one of the best office plants.

This Milky Way is a hardy plant famous and it tolerates artificial or low light conditions which makes it a versatile plant that you can have at any spot in your house. Your plant in those conditions will be happy without a lot of effort but it will grow slowly. If you want that provide to your Aspidistra it grows fast and big then it's better to keep it in a bright light far from direct sunlight that its leaves do not burn.

Cast-iron plants are safe for cats, dogs, and children because they are non-toxic and their leaves have a dark green color and can grow slowly up to 90 cm.

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