
How To Care For An Alocasia: Soil, Watering, Fertilizing

Hello everyone. Today we will try to make out tips for care if you have long dreamed or dreamed of this wonderful plant. And, perhaps, this article will be useful to you not only if you have Alocasia.


How To Care For A Calathea. Tips & Tricks

Habitat is the first thing you need to know


How To Care For A Syngonium. My Tips

Syngonium is the most underrated plant. When I see the list of Top ... plants for beginners I rarely see one on these types of lists.


Plants I Gave Up On

Every plant parent has killed a bunch of plants that didn't do well enough to stay alive. I am no exception. Sometimes even the easiest plants are the hardest for me.


Plant Room Tour (A Small Part Of It) 10+ Plants

Let's not only talk about my plants but also look at them. Here is a small corner (and one of my favorites btw) that includes a Monstera Deliciosa, Monstera Albo Variegata, Syngonium Neon Pink, Spider plant Orange, Ctenanthe, and a variegated Peace Lilly.

How To Care For Snake Plants (My experience)

The snake plant is one of these plants I didn't get at first. I didn't understand what people see in it compared to a calathea. But once I discovered there are so many beautiful varieties I found myself in a room full of snake plants and there are many to come.


Philodendron Splendid Care & My Experience With It

So a philodendron Splendid or a hybrid of Verrucosum x Melanochrysum has lived at my place for about 7-8 months so far and it has been nothing but struggling for the first 6 months. I didn't grow at all. It didn't die but didn't do anything for me as well. My bad was that I neglected it, I didn't pay much attention, rarely watered it and that was about my care.


Easy plants for beginners in my collection

The things with the easy-to-care plants... they do require your attention anyway. I do not understand why mostly succulents are recommended for a beginner. Those things are definitely not easy to care for, you have to watch it keeping its shape, having good on-top-only lighting, not to overwater, and many other things to consider when you have one. I had like 50 succulents in my collection and in some time I realized those take a whole lot more space than regular plants. The pots are small but those are so many and you still have to find space for them. Anyways, where was I...


Why We Love And Hate Calatheas

Yes, you heard right. We all love a Calathea for its gorgeous foliage but we also know how hard you have to fight for that foliage.


Monstera Monday Or Why I Was Scary To Get One Before

And no, if you are waiting for me to say something like "Oh, my Monstera is going to suck out the good energy", it wasn't the reason. The reason is pragmatically easy to understand. The size! Size of any Monstera scares the shit out of me. In time, I am afraid it will make me go out of my place.