The Best Alocasia For Beginners & Care Tips



Nov 04, 2021   ‧   0 Comments

Do you have the Alocasia plant? If not, then today you are given the opportunity to get acquainted with this tropical plant from the Aroid family. And it is worth assuming that after this article you will run to look for your beautiful Alocasia.

So, in general, terms, what is Alocasia, it is a large-rhizome evergreen plant with herbaceous shoots. The roots are like tubers. A short, erect stem is located above the ground, and the leaves are fixed on long fleshy petioles. The leaf plate is oval, thyroid, or heart-shaped. The length of the leaf can be approximately 20-100 cm.

They can predict the weather and for this, they are also called weathermen. You can make an observation, on the eve of rain, when the air humidity rises, pay attention to the alocasia leaf, it will be covered with small droplets. In this way, the plant gets rid of excess fluid.

You should also know that all parts of Alocasia are poisonous and therefore require special care during cultivation and maintenance since the plant sap is highly irritating to the skin.

So, we have outlined brief general information about the plant, now you can go to the types of Alocasia, and there are about 70 species of them.

The easiest Alocasia for beginners

These species are not only suitable for indoor cultivation, but will also be an excellent option for those who have not yet dealt with Alocasia. Many species are not so common and many growers will have to work hard to find the right variety.

Alocasia cuprea

Well, let's start with Alocasia сuprea. This plant is one of the most popular representatives of the Alocasia species. The cuprea has gained such popularity thanks to its leaves. Because the surface of the sheet has a metallic sheen, and its underside takes on a reddish tint.

However, it should be noted that compared to other plants, Alocasia Cuprea is more demanding to care for. So let's find out what kind of care she needs.

Humidity and watering

The homeland of this plant is Borneo, so you need to provide it with high humidity. If your region or home has a dry climate, we recommend using a humidifier, otherwise, the dry air can quickly dry out the leaves of this plant. If you don't have a moisturizer, try the simpler method, try leaving jugs or bowls of water around your plants, and this may help.

Alocasia Cuprea requires regular watering, but the soil should dry out a little, or you may harm the roots. A great way to water this houseplant is from the bottom up. This method will allow the plant to absorb the necessary moisture on its own.


This plant needs diffused indirect light, otherwise, direct sunlight will burn the leaves. In its usual environment, grows under the cover of other trees on the forest floor, which is why shady diffused light is the best option.

Soil and fertilizers

The soil for Alocasia Cuprea must be drained so that the roots do not stay wet. It is also recommended to add perlite to the soil.

It is also good for the plant if you fertilize it. But before fertilizing, make sure that the houseplant is in the growing season, and in the winter it is better to leave the plant alone. It is better to feed the plant once every two weeks and choose the correct dosage so as not to burn the leaves.

Alocasia California

A true giant of the many species of Alocasia, and simply a favorite of many, this is all about Alocasia California. If you want to find yourself in the tropics, then simply add Alocasia California to your home or garden.

Another name for this plant is Elephant ear. And so it is called because of the very large, shiny heart-shaped leaves with wavy edges. These stunning veined leaves come in red, bronze, blue-green, and purple.

So if you're looking for a showy plant that can be 6 inches to a tree, then Alocasia California is a great choice.


Alocasia is a water-loving plant and tries to keep it moist all year round. But do not allow overflow and stagnation of water in the soil. In winter, watering should be reduced, since your Alocasia will be at rest. And at other times of the year, water when the soil dries up a little, 2 cups or 500 ml once a week.


The elephant ear prefers bright indirect sunlight. And the light under which the plant grows affects the appearance of the leaves, so the color of the leaves is usually better in plants that grow with more light.


Alocasia California responds well to fertilizers. Therefore, please the plant with fertilizing in liquid form. Apply fertilizer during the growing season. Or another option is frequent but small applications of granular fertilizers.

Alocasia tiny dancer

Meet Alocasia's new hybrid, the Alocasia tiny dancer. Its stalks look like dancing and will make the plant stand out in your garden. In addition, they have amazing foliage, which distinguishes this plant with upward-facing cupped leaves.

Compared to other Alocasias, it is a small plant. But you will be attracted by its foliage. Tiny dancer's leaf shape is similar to that of Alocasia Cucullata. And I would like to inform you that according to the International Society of Aroids, this plant is recognized as the most unusual aroid.

Let's find out what kind of care such an unusual plant prefers.

The soil

And the soil must be well-drained, and so that it is a mixture based on peat then this is the most suitable soil for growing Alocasia tiny dancer.

However, do not use a highly porous mixture, as this will result in water retention.

Watering and humidity

So, what can we say about watering, and we can say that tiny dancer loves moist soil, in this case, make sure that the soil does not dry out completely. Therefore, the only correct solution for this plant will be if it is often watered only in small portions.

The same should be noted in relation to humidity since the plant prefers a humid environment. And the level of humidity for this tropical plant should be at least 50%, or better if it is higher. We advise you to spray the leaves regularly, and for convenience, you can use a wet pebble tray or a humidifier.


It is worth noting that this tropical plant tolerates various lighting settings well. But indirect sunlight would be the best lighting option for Alocasia tiny dancer. But it will not be scary for the plant as well if you keep it in the shade, because the tiny dancer can also withstand low light.


Let's not forget that every houseplant needs feeding. And fertilization for Alocasia tiny dancer should be started in early spring and stopped at the end of August when the plant is only at the growth stage.

Alocasia Polly

Alocasia x Amazonica, African mask plant are all the names of the beautiful and extraordinary Alocasia roll. It is a highly recognizable plant that can often be seen on social media. This type of Alokasia has large leaves of an unusual shape with bright veins that will catch your eyes from a distance. Like other Alocasia Polly, it is a tropical plant and is not the best option for beginners.


So, let's start with a lot of the important points in leaving, this is watering. Most Alocasias, including Alocasia Polly, have thick stems and are used to store moisture. This accumulated moisture in the stems is meant to feed itself, so the plant doesn't need to rely on moisture from the soil. Therefore, water Alocasia Polly only when the soil is completely dry.


As for lighting, the following should be noted here, unlike its older brother Alocasia zebrina, Alocasia Polly is not so much admired by the sun. The place should be chosen bright, but not exposed to direct sunlight. In order for your Alocasia to grow evenly, you need to rotate it 90 degrees every week. This is done for the same exposure to sunlight from all directions, and then the plant will grow straight up.

The soil

As we learned from the part about watering your plant, Alocasia Polly does not rely heavily on the soil. But you should find soil that drains water well, as water doesn't need to stay in the soil for long. The soil should have a lot of perlites to provide excellent drainage.


Alocasia is a large plant and they grow rapidly. And Alocasia Polly, I must say that it even blooms all year round. And since they use a lot of energy to grow, they need to be helped to replenish the number of essential micronutrients, and for this, they need to fertilize the plant once a month during the growing season, which is spring-summer, and once in the fall and winter. You can fertilize with liquid fertilizers or fertilizer sticks.

Alocasia Sarian

If you have been looking for a large and unusual houseplant for a long time, then your choice should be on Alocasia Sarian. This stunning specimen has an airy stem and leaf structure. Its dark green leaves and striped stem give the plant a tropical look.
This plant forms leaves as part of the stems and not at the ends of the stems.

Alocasia sarian is a hybrid of two alocasia, Alocasia zebrina and Alocasia micholitziana. This plant is also called the African mask because of its similarities.

It is difficult to create natural conditions for this plant, but we will try to help you with this.

The soil

What should be the soil? This plant needs a light, airy, and well-drained mixture to grow properly. Do not plant Alocasia in a heavy potting mix, and do not use rocky or sandy soils.
Also, this plant can be planted outdoors, but only if the night temperature does not drop below 15 ° C.

Watering and humidity

Watering is best done in small portions, and check the soil regularly to make sure it is always moist. However, be aware that the roots cannot tolerate wet roots or damp soil, as well as completely dry soil, as this species is not drought tolerant. Always try the topsoil with your fingers before watering.

For Alocasia, a low humidity level is not too acceptable, ideally, it should be 70% or higher, but try to at least keep the level at least 60%.

An important point that you must remember is that the Alocasia plant should not be placed next to batteries and heaters, because they cause the soil to dry out. Plus, if you didn't know, grouping plants together can also create the right moisture. And don't forget about a humidifier.


Since the most mesmerizing part of this plant is the leaves, lighting is very important for the beauty of Alocasia. Therefore, the light must be bright but indirect in order to preserve the color of the foliage.

A balance of full sun and partial shade will be the most excellent option.


If you want to help Sarian Alocasia grow faster, you can apply a universal liquid fertilizer in the spring and summer. When a plant is grown in warm, bright areas, it will grow more and therefore require more nutrients.

Fertilizers are stopped somewhere in late autumn and renewed again in early spring.

Alocasia Suhirmaniana

The Alocasia Suhirmaniana species has smooth and shiny deltoid leaves. The underside of the leaf looks elegant in purplish-red color. The greenish-white pips of the leaf are firmly attached to appear symmetrical and contrasting. The petioles have a color that is very in harmony with whitish-green spots and slightly purple spots. The plant reaches a height of 50-70 cm and is suitable for growing as a houseplant on the terrace of the house.


Your Alocasia Suhirmaniana, like Alocasia Aarian, will thrive in an area with bright but indirect, filtered light. These species are similar in appearance, and direct sunlight can severely burn the leaves. You will need to avoid dark corners, but be aware that moderate shade won't kill the plant.

Watering and humidity

Watering is a delicate matter and it is important to keep the soil of your Alocasia Suhirmaniana moist, but not wet. This houseplant is not drought tolerant, but it can forgive you if one day you forget to water it on time.

High humidity is what Alocasia Suhirmaniana loves. so try to spray the plant regularly. If you are thinking about where to put your tropical plant, then the bathroom or kitchen is the perfect place for Suhirmaniana, because these places are usually more humid.

The soil

Now about the soil. The soil you choose should be loose and contain a lot of peat moss. If it seems to you that the soil is a little heavy, then add construction sand or perlite.


For quick growth results, use a regular houseplant fertilizer every four weeks in the spring and summer. In winter, when the plant slows down in growth, fertilization is not required.

Alocasia maharani

Alocasia maharani, in wider circles better known as the "Gray Dragon". This rare species of Alocasia is a hybrid.

The leaves of the Gray Dragon are thick, silvery green, rough to the touch, and rather leathery. The plant grows to about 12 inches in height.

Alocasia maharani is commonly grown for its beautiful, unique foliage.

Watering and humidity

All Alocasia are alike in one thing, this is the love of moisture. And Alocasia maharani is no exception, so try not to let the soil dry out completely. But too much water will rot the roots, so check the moisture level in the soil before watering the plant.

There is a dormant period for Alocasia maharani in winter, so you may not need to water it completely.

Maharani loves high humidity which should be around 80% and is ideal for terrariums. Bathrooms and kitchens are good places to house your plant.

Fertilizers and soil

Alocasia maharani loves rich and well-drained soils. And the soil rich in minerals cannot be without fertilizers. Therefore, please the plant with fertilizers only during the growing season. Fertilizer is suitable universal for indoor plants.

Alocasia Lauterbachiana

If you have been looking for a spectacular houseplant with large beautiful leaves and strong stems for a long time, which is easy to care for, then we can safely tell you we know such a plant, this is Alocasia Lauterbachiana. Lauterbachiana has a high decorative value due to its uniquely shaped, multi-colored leaves.

This plant is also called the "Purple Sword" because of its purple flowers, purple veins in the center and bottom of the leaves.

Let us find out what kind of care Alocasia Lauterbachiana requires for itself.


It should be said that you will not learn anything new here, because, like other Alocasia and many houseplants in general, Alocasia Lauterbachiana prefers bright indirect light and does not heat direct sunlight.

Watering and humidity

Proper watering is critical for Alocasia Lauterbachiana. The correct way to water is to let the topsoil dry and then water.

In terms of humidity, the Lauterbachiana plant loves and grows well in high humidity. Therefore, the optimum humidity level is around 70%. But they can also tolerate lower humidity levels, only at least 45%.

Fertilizer and soil

Alocasia loves rich, well-drained soil. You can make the substrate you want by mixing all-purpose potting soil with ingredients that provide good drainages, such as a fast-draining mixture of cactus and succulents or coconut coir. To retain moisture, you can add a little perlite and a little peat.

Even if the soil is ideally balanced, nutrients are absorbed by the plant, therefore fertilization must be applied. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer from spring to fall, and don't need to feed Alocasia Lauterbachiana in winter.

Alocasia low rider

Do you want to please your home with a beautiful but small plant? Then you should know that there is a low rider variety Alocasia, this is a dwarf version of Alocasia.

This plant is rich in its beautiful green foliage. As with all other types of Alocasia, you need to follow a specific care regimen.


Alocasia low rider needs lighting conditions that are most similar to those that resemble natural surroundings.

They are commonly found in tropical rainforests in Asia and spotted light and partial shade will be just perfect.

Of course, this is not easy to achieve, but try to ensure that your plant has access to bright but indirect sunlight. And to do this, place the low rider in the room next to the windows, but do not put it in direct sunlight.

Humidity and watering

Wet soil is the ideal place where the plant will be most comfortable. And regular but not plentiful watering will ensure that the roots will not be heavily flooded with water, and the soil will be sufficiently moist.

The humidity in the room where your Alocasia grows should be at least 60%. But the plant will really thrive when the humidity is close to 70%.

The soil

It takes a certain mix of standard potting mix with a certain amount of peat moss to maintain moisture in the soil, and you will see that it works.

Do not forget that it is important from the very beginning to achieve the ideal consistency of the soil, then the plant will not die from diseases such as root rot.

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