14 Best Low-Light Tolerant Indoor Plants
There are many even large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative deciduous and flowering plants that will fit a dark hallway.
Plants I Gave Up On
Every plant parent has killed a bunch of plants that didn't do well enough to stay alive. I am no exception. Sometimes even the easiest plants are the hardest for me.
Plants I didn't think I'd love this much
I am not going to include anything from my most favorite plants in this list as it might be a bit obvious. Also, big plants are not going to be here because mostly we love big plants and they are very special to us. So this is a list of my favorites that I wasn't this into when I bought them and I got really excited about once they got home. Also, some obvious plants like a Monstera Alba are not going to be here as we all love the Alba, it is simply gorgeous.