peace lily


Plant Room Tour (A Small Part Of It) 10+ Plants

Let's not only talk about my plants but also look at them. Here is a small corner (and one of my favorites btw) that includes a Monstera Deliciosa, Monstera Albo Variegata, Syngonium Neon Pink, Spider plant Orange, Ctenanthe, and a variegated Peace Lilly.


Easy plants for beginners in my collection

The things with the easy-to-care plants... they do require your attention anyway. I do not understand why mostly succulents are recommended for a beginner. Those things are definitely not easy to care for, you have to watch it keeping its shape, having good on-top-only lighting, not to overwater, and many other things to consider when you have one. I had like 50 succulents in my collection and in some time I realized those take a whole lot more space than regular plants. The pots are small but those are so many and you still have to find space for them. Anyways, where was I...